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La Respectable Loge La Meditation
Loge History (II)

Sister Edith Mondesir

            Edith Mondesir, while she officially joined the Masonic order in 2007 when she was accepted as a freemason in “La Meditation.” Edith has been playing a key role in Masonic affairs since the time Allin Mondesir joined the craft. She started by coordinating their parties, by cooking and decorating.  Her behind the scene involvement and support to the Masonic Order is inexhaustible.  


♦Sister Monique Vernan

            Monique Vernan became a member of the Masonic organization in 2001, in Miami. She was a regular in the Thursday prayers during the year 2005 and 2006. Her positive support and search for a permanent building where the lodge “La Meditation” could be housed cannot be quantified. She played a key role in sustaining the Thursday prayers and in the founding of the Lodge.


Brother Eddy France

            Eddy France has been a long time friend of  Allin Mondesir.  Their friendship has been ongoing for the last 40 years.  He is a carpenter by trade and he put his skills to use early on in the construction of the lodge. He made the lodge’s first gavels that were used while we were still praying in our sister’s residence. He further put his skills to use in the actual construction of the Lodge “La meditation” of which he is a member. Mr. France in the past held such positions as Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Tiler. Eddy entered the craft in 1979 following his friendship with other freemasons whom he thought highly off. He continues to donate his time, energy, and skills to the lodge and he shares his accumulated knowledge about the craft freely with the members of the lodge. 



♦Worshipful Master Ella Bordes  

            Ella Bordes has been a dedicated member of the Masonic order since she was accepted in the craft on June 22, 1998. Her tireless work has led her to be elevated to Worshipful Master. Mrs. Bordes’ involvement in founding in “La Respectable Loge La Meditation” is immeasurable. Mrs. Bordes met Allin Mondesir while attending the Thursday prayers and she had a remain a loyal proponent and supporter of the idea and need to have a mix lodge.


♦Worshipful Master Serge Mentor

            Serge Mentor entered the craft in 1981 and met Allin Mondesir in 1983 during which time Allin was referred to as the ‘Freemason of Saint Jean’ and they have been friends since. He was fond of Allin because if his willingness to share his knowledge. Because, of this unselfishness, Allin’s sharing of knowledge with the opposite sex was met with a lot of resistance by some members. Brother Mentor was one of the few that supported the idea and the vision that a lodge welcoming both sex as equals needs to be. He has been a member of the Thursday prayers since its inception.


Worshipful Master Elie Joseph